Eight Beauty Enhancements Designed to Rejuvenate your Face

At Sunshine Vein Clinic we can help refresh and rejuvenate…

Whether you are unhappy with the way your face looks due to wrinkles, low-set cheeks, skin problems or even the shape of your nose, at Sunshine Vein Clinic we are able to help smooth your skin and reshape your nose without the use of surgery!

Did you know last year Australians spent more on cosmetic procedures than our American counterparts? With many women spending largely on invasive surgical procedures such as liposuction, rhinoplasty and breast augmentations, the push to look beautiful has never been so strong.

At Sunshine Vein Clinic found on the Sunshine Coast, we know that many opt for surgical procedures because of their dramatic results, and offer treatments such as liposuction and mummy makeovers to help those that want a significant change. We also know most Australians would prefer less invasive treatments such as our amazing facial rejuvenation treatments.

Get it all without the pain…

Our facial treatments are designed to help you put your best face forward and harmonise your visage. Our facial rejuvenation treatments consist of:

Perfect for those that want to stop time in its tracks (or at least erase the tracks time has left) and smoothen the skin back a youthful radiance. As we age, our skin naturally loses elasticity volume and structural support, and this in turn creates fine lines and wrinkles. Our Anti-Wrinkle Treatment involved injections used to treat these wrinkles and lines which can also be caused by overactive muscles.

  • Cheek Augmentation

The face loses volume as we age, and this can be especially prominent in the cheeks. For those that want to add a bit of life back to their face, a Cheek Augmentation can help to revitalise the aesthetic balance and harmony of the facial area.

  • Capillaries/Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes a state of constant inflammation, and can lead to visible capillaries. We treat dilated capillaries and rosacea with our Vein Gogh system, which is comfortable and virtually pain-free!

  • Dermal Fillers

At Sunshine Vein Clinic we use new generation Dermal Fillers to enhance the natural beauty of the face. This new dermal filler has been popular as it gives a soft and natural-looking result and we are able to use these for many different treatments.

  • Gummy Smile

Do you hate the way your gums are always the centre of your smile? If you are self-conscious about your gums taking over your teeth, we are able to relax the upper lip with a muscle relaxant to reduce the elevation of the upper lip and create a more symmetrical smile. This process takes approximately 10 minutes and is virtually painless!

  • Neck Bands

If you suffer from saggy jowls and want the skin around your neck to be that little bit firmer, we are able to help by using an injectable muscle relaxant to improve the appearance of jowls and smooth neck bands.

  • Non-Surgical Nose Reshaping

Want that perfect nose without the surgery? At Sunshine Vein Clinic we hear you, and present to you our Non-Surgical Nose Reshaping treatment. We bring your nose into proportional balance with the rest of your face, and utilise a filler substance to balance any irregularities in your nasal structure.

  • Eyebrow Lift

Discover a new you with a non-surgical eyelift! This procedure is great for those that want to refresh their appearance and balance their facial proportions.

At Sunshine Vein Clinic we know you do not always want a dramatic solution and this is why we have ensured we cater to the best of both worlds.

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