Enhance your body beyond the veins: Try Sunshine Vein Clinic’s cosmetic treatments

The sunshine vein clinic is not only interested in healing veins and similar issues, we’re also a one-stop shop for all of your cosmetic needs.

We offer a range of cosmetic treatments including eyebrow lifts, skin tightening or cheek augmentation to enliven your face and restore your youth.

Varicose veins are not only painful; they can also hinder your self-confidence and cause you to avoid bikinis or shorts. However, as is the human condition, once we’ve got one of our body issues fixed, another always seems to pop up in its place. It is our constant yearning for perfection that can drive us to investigate other means of enhancing our body in tasteful and natural looking ways. The Sunshine Vein Clinic located on the Sunshine Coast can help make your body confident and invigorated with our premium treatments.

So you’ve had your veins treated and now you want to go a step further and enhance your body with one of our extensive beauty treatments…

Body Contouring and Skin Tightening with Exilis

Exilis is a refined technology which utilises thermal technology to distribute energy across the body. This thermal energy effectively tightens the skin while contouring problem areas where stubborn fat is clustered. Exilis is the perfect option if you’ve had varicose vein treatments and now that the veins are gone, you can see that your legs are not as contoured or slender as you’d like.

The Process

Exilis is a virtually pain-free treatment which can be used on any part of the body to contour and tauten. Exilis alters the skin cells themselves by remodeling and strengthening the collagen cells which stimulates the body’s natural renewal process. This treatment kick-starts rejuvenation and you can achieve astonishing results which can take years and even decades off your face or tauten the rest of your body, providing a firmer frame which you can flaunt and be confident about.

Cheek Augmentation

As we get older our skin sags due to lack of collagen and gravity which can leave our faces looking slightly skeletal and careworn. Lots of older women decide to get this treatment in order to rejuvenate their face, and they often find that this procedure can make them appear happier which makes them more confident. Our clinicians will use a series of dermal filler injections to plump up the cheeks and replace sunken volume. The formula of the fillers often constitutes materials which are similar to or derived from naturally occurring acids and collagens in the skin. This treatment also makes the cheek bones appear higher which can improve the overall aesthetic of the face.

Fixing a gummy smile

A gummy smile can often be considered a cosmetic problem. If you find yourself looking at photos and dwelling on your gums which are picking below your upper lip then it may be time to consider our gummy smile treatment at the Sunshine Vein Clinic. You may find your gummy smile is caused by overactive upper lip muscles, which draw back your upper lip too much, exposing your fleshy gums. To amend this one of our clinicians will inject a muscle relaxant which will lessen the reaction of the lip muscles.

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