Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty; The 15 minute nose job!

Suffering with the shape of your nose but don’t want the surgery? We have your solution!

Many Australians, men and women alike, are not happy with their noses. Whether it is symmetry, the shape of the bridge or the shape of the nose in general, it is a problem that have many shying away from cameras and social interactions.

If you are unhappy with your nose and have been hiding away to avoid any painful and invasive surgical procedures, now you can get the nose of your dreams without the invasive traditional rhinoplasty surgery!

How does it work?

Our non-surgical nose reshaping procedure utilised at Sunshine Vein Clinic on the Sunshine Coast, aims to balance the proportions of your nose with your facial frame and aesthetics. Dr Pin uses Radiesse, a filler substance, in exact and precise injections to equalise any irregularities in your nasal structure.

The results are instantaneous, and can be finished in less than 15 minutes! Achieve gorgeous results that will last from 6 to 24 months!

Can I get a non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Anyone who is unhappy with the appearance of their nose is suitable for this treatment. More specifically, anyone who:

  • Wishes to diminish bumps on their nose
  • Wants to achieve better symmetry
  • Has a flat nasal bridge and wants to create or augment their original bridge
  • Has droopy or downward facing nose tips and want to raise the tip of the nose

For a fantastic, new nose without the scary surgery in less than 15 minutes, you just can’t go past Dr Hugo Pin at Sunshine Vein Clinic.

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